Friday, December 31, 2010

Something clever about endings and beginnings, perhaps.

I did it. I really, actually did it. However, it happens to be New Year's eve, and I happen to have company. I'll post the ultimate results tomorrow, where you can see me shaved, shorn, and quite likely undergoing a bleary-eyed recovery. In the meantime, I'll leave you with a couple pictures of the process.

This is me, as I appeared this mor-... afternoon. Having just woken up, I was still sleepy and unmolested by either comb or brush. For anyone who's interested, my beard measured roughly four and a half inches, when fully extended.

Here we are. This part, while weird, I was sort of ready for. I actually kind of liked how this ended up, but alas, it was not to be. 

By Jove, my good boy! I say, have you seen my bowler and monocle?
Man, what I'd give for a bowler and a monocle. It took everything I had not to stop at this point in the process.

And that's that. I'm going to try and update this regularly. The hope is to update it daily with a new photo, but we'll see how well that pans out.

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