Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Looks like I missed one.

So uh, yeah. It's been a while. This is me, nearly a year later, fresh-ish from the shower. As you can see, I have a beard. I also still have that horrible cat.

A little earlier, I was thinking about putting this here and thought "Oh man, I've got a whole bunch of stuff to say! I could, like, write it all out!" Then I played with my cat, brushed my beard for a while, brushed the cat for a while, read some stuff about post-structuralism, post-modernism, Foucault, Derrida, and Barthes' Death of the Author.

Now it's later than that and I don't feel much like writing. Okay, not true. I feel like writing, but the computer is doing this horrible thing where the mouse pointer jitters around all on it's own and the everything constantly resizes. So... I feel like writing, but more than that, I want to go drop the computer into the bathtub and just run some damn water over it until it stops working altogether. In my head, little bubbles come out, almost as if it was gasping for air. When they stop, I feel a mixture of relief and pants-shitting terror at the monster I've become, but strangely enough, not a whit of guilt.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eel-o, you're due for another update :D
